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mijn gastenboek bij write2me

Yolanda is a Red haired Witch dancing through life as artist, computer programmer

and also as an assistant antiquarian to her beloved dark haired companion Jan.

That sentence of course is just a wee bit exaggerated

Life is not always a dancing matter and already my hair is turning more gray every year

I was born in the Netherlands about halfway last century, and when I was one year old my parents moved to a place outsite Hengelo, in the east of Holland.

Picture right is our house there, a lovely place for a dreamy child to grow up, situated in the woods, with fairies at near pools, gnomes going their secret ways and witches gathering herbs and medicines.

We left the east of the Netherlands when I was 5 years old and since then I have been moving around quite a lot in this world, also living outside of the Netherlands and visiting countries like Italy, France, Spain, Gibraltar, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Austria and Luxemburg, the West Indies, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Pakistan, Israel, Egypt, Lybia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Greece, Malta, Tunisia, Algeria, Jamaica, Surinam, Belize, Mexico, USA, Canada and India

After graduating from High school I returned to the Netherlands where I finished college (HBS B diploma) and then I went to university in Wageningen to study tropical agriculture.

During my bachelors degree I married a seaman and departed the Netherlands again to travel to USA and Central America.

In the 1970's I lived in Israel, where I worked in agriculture.

In the 1980's I sailed for some time on ships in the merchant marine.




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